Weekly News Digest for Legal Career Professionals

Each week NALP provides a summary of news articles of interest to legal career professionals.

For news in the public interest arena, see the news digest from Samuel Halpert, NALP's Director of Public Service Initiatives, at www.psjd.org.

July 12, 2024

    Top Stories

  1. "Law Student Mental Health And Wellness By Year," 07.09.24.
    TaxProf Blog highlights research from Bloomberg Law that shows "a correlation between the year of law school a student is in and the type of health issue they are most susceptible to."

    1. "ANALYSIS: Which Law School Year Is Worst for Students' Health?" 07.05.24.
      Read the full article at Bloomberg. (Subscription required.)

  2. "'Resources Are a Huge Issue': Law Firms Struggle to Fully Back DEI Goals," 07.10.24.
    "A law firm's diversity, equity and inclusion efforts are only as effective as the amount of resources, thought and collaboration put into them. Given the political stressors on DEI efforts at the moment, as well as overall law firm financial priorities, however, pursuing diversity is often easier said than done, with DEI professionals and consultants noting disconnects between law firm resource allocation and the diversity goals firms espouse," reports The American Lawyer.

  3. Law Schools/Higher Education

  4. "Group slams NCBE for 'scattershot' approach to offering NextGen bar exam information," 07.11.24.
    ABA Journal reports, "As the draft outline for the NextGen bar exam's family law content was posted for comment on July 8, members of the legal education community criticized the National Conference of Bar Examiners' 'piecemeal' release of 'incomplete and inconsistent' messaging about the new exam." (Subscription required.)

  5. "Colleges Risk Talent Loss With Pushback on Diversity Initiatives," 07.11.24.
    This deep dive at Bloomberg Law examines recent efforts to limit diversity programs and notes that diversity advocates argue that "institutions that cut back such programs risk hampering efforts to hire and retain diverse faculty and staff and undermining employee morale and freedom of expression."

  6. "As The Percentage Of Accommodated Students In A Law School Increases, Its First-Time Bar Pass Rate Decreases," 07.10.24.
    TaxProf Blog highlights this Oregon Law Review article that examines the difference in performance between students who receive accommodations and those who do not.

  7. "States Ask High Court to Stop Biden's Student Debt Relief Plan," 07.09.24.
    Bloomberg Law reports, "A small group of Republican-led states want the US Supreme Court to step in and block President Joe Biden's second attempt to forgive billions of dollars in student loan debt."

  8. "Many universities are abandoning race-conscious scholarships worth millions," 07.09.24.
    "In the year since the Supreme Court ruled colleges could no longer consider an applicant's race as a factor in admissions, a growing number of schools have also applied the principles underlying the ruling to financial aid," reports The Washington Post.

  9. Law Firms

  10. "$20M and Still Going: Is Partner Pay a Bubble?" 07.11.24.
    According to The American Lawyer, "It's conceivable that pay increases could slow down or temporarily reverse, said law firm leaders, recruiters and other industry observers, but they mostly agreed that the going price for star lawyers is not some kind of bubble. It will keep rising as law firm profits soar and as law firms diversify their practices to hedge against any downturns, the sources said."

  11. "Another US law firm touts fully remote option, bucking post-pandemic trend," 07.09.24.
    Reuters reports that Fennemore Craig "is launching a new formal program to hire lawyers in locations where it does not have offices, joining a small number of traditionally brick-and-mortar firms that now allow full-time alternatives to in-person work."

  12. "'Still Some Work to Do': Pro Bono Hours Creeping Toward Pre-Pandemic Levels," 07.09.24.
    The American Lawyer released the 2024 Pro Bono Scorecard, which shows, "Total pro bono hours grew overall at Am Law 200 firms in 2023, but activity in the legal industry still has not returned to the level achieved in 2019 before the pandemic."

    1. "The 2024 Pro Bono Scorecard: National Report," 07.09.24.

  13. "The Intersection of Law Firm Management and Temporary Lawyering," 07.08.24.
    This article at The Legal Intelligencer outlines "the ethical obligations and associated risks that flow from engaging the services of a temporary attorney, including areas such as billing for services and adequate disclosure to clients."

  14. "Lockstep Compensation Isn't Just for the Most Elite Law Firms," 07.08.24.
    New York Law Journal reports, "Lockstep partner pay compensation is increasingly under pressure in Big Law, as law firms ditch traditional compensation systems to attract and retain high-performing partners. But the lockstep system — in which partner pay is mostly determined by seniority — is still in favor in some corners of the legal industry," including mid-size firms.

  15. "3 Things That Have Surprised Firm Leaders So Far In 2024," 07.08.24.
    "Law firm leaders approached 2024 with caution as economic and political uncertainties loomed large. Yet, the first half of the year still brought unanticipated developments, with artificial intelligence continuing its rapid proliferation and a competitive lateral hiring market among the surprises that unfolded," according to Law360. (Subscription required.)

  16. "The Political Dilemmas Facing Law Firm Leaders," 07.07.24.
    "As several law firms close offices, the Global Lawyer examines how leaders are navigating intense pressure to perform amid challenging conditions, mirroring the quandaries faced by political leaders," at Law.com International.

  17. Employment Market/Return to Office

  18. "The Law Firm Disrupted: More Choices for Lawyers Sick of the Office," 07.11.24.
    Law.com's Law Firm Disrupted column says, "For lawyers who question being pressured into onerous commutes made simply to send emails to colleagues sitting down the hall and video calls that could just as easily be handled from their remote offices, the alternatives have expanded beyond just a handful of so-called 'distributed' firms."

  19. "Exit Strategy: The Return From Government to Big Law," 07.10.24.
    "Already in 2024, several government lawyers have returned to their prior firms or firms that they have ties to. However, returning isn't always a given, particularly after long stints in the government," reports The American Lawyer.

  20. "'Law Moms' Share Tales Of Juggling Family And Careers," 07.10.24.
    "From mental health and substance abuse to feelings of grief and guilt, a 'Law Moms' book from eight attorneys offers candid accounts of balancing their roles as mothers and lawyers, with the hope that the stories will remind other women facing similar struggles that they're not alone," at Law360. (Subscription required.)

  21. "Misconduct Findings Against Judge Prompt Clerk Safety Questions," 07.10.24.
    Bloomberg Law reports, "An Alaska federal judge's resignation following abusive conduct toward his clerks is raising concerns about whether some of the judiciary's most vulnerable employees are properly protected from hostile workplaces, even as new measures have been put in place."

  22. "The race against time to reinvent lawyers," 07.10.24.
    On his blog, Jordan Furlong posits, "Our legal education and licensing systems are turning out lawyers whose competence profiles simply won't match up with what people will need lawyers to do."

  23. "A Career as a Judge Advocate Officer in the Military Services," 07.09.24.
    In this piece at The Legal Intelligencer, a lawyer outlines the duties of a judge advocate officer and shares his own experience in that position.

  24. "Legal Jobs Continued To Tick Up In June," 07.05.24.
    Law360 reports, "The U.S. legal sector added 1,400 jobs in June, continuing an uptick that began this spring, according to preliminary data released Friday by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics." (Subscription required.)

  25. "A Tale of 2 Associates: What Really Pushes Top Talent From Big Law?" 07.05.24.
    Based on a presentation at NALP's Professional Development Institute, this op-ed at The American Lawyer outlines the career trajectories of two new associates who are "talented, motivated and committed to long and successful careers at their firm. But like so many junior lawyers, they're on track to leave their firm within five years."

  26. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

  27. "Three Challenges Facing Junior Female Associates," 07.11.24.
    A junior lawyer, writing for The Legal Intelligencer, outlines three types of challenges she faced in her first year as a young female lawyer and concludes, "junior female associates need junior female associates. We need to lean on each other, and we need to discuss our shared experiences with one another so we can learn how to handle, and hopefully one day fix, the situations we too often find ourselves in because of our gender and our experience levels."

  28. "Business Case for DEI Is Still Strong, Experts Say, but Many Companies Approach Topic Clumsily," 07.11.24.
    "[T]here's a business case to be made for DEI, said a panel of experts at a webinar hosted by Berkeley Law, and it's becoming an increasingly important factor for companies to remain competitive on the international stage," according to Corporate Counsel.

  29. "'Not Nearly Enough': Incremental DEI Gains by Legal Departments Leave No One Satisfied," 07.10.24.
    Corporate Counsel reports on the Law Department Management Benchmarking Report, from the Association of Corporate Counsel and Major, Lindsey & Africa, which shows, "The percentage of legal departments striving to track and improve diversity internally and at their outside laws is increasing only marginally, and even departments that do track their outside firms are increasingly wary of holding them to account for underperformance."

  30. "Government of Canada publishes a report to tackle anti-Black racism in the justice system," 07.09.24.
    Canadian Lawyer reports on "the publication of a report by the external steering group on developing Canada's Black Justice Strategy to address anti-Black racism and systemic discrimination in the criminal justice system."

  31. "American Bar Association launches campaign for lawyers with disabilities," 07.05.24.
    Canadian Lawyer reports on the American Bar Association's new #BeCounted campaign that "encourages lawyers with disabilities to add themselves to a US map to express their disability pride."

  32. Technology

  33. "5 Ways AI Strengthens Client Relationships and Revenue Generation," 07.11.24.
    This op-ed at Law.com outlines some ways that artificial intelligence tools can improve business processes and provides practical steps that law firms can use to integrate these tools into client relationship management.

  34. "Small And Midsize Firms Plan To Invest In AI, Meritas Reports," 07.09.24.
    Law360 reports, "A majority of responding small and midsize business law firms within the international legal network Meritas are planning to invest more in technology in the next five years, according to a survey published Tuesday." (Subscription required.)

  35. "American Bar Association survey highlights growing integration of AI in legal education," 07.09.24.
    Canadian Lawyer reports on a new study from the American Bar Association (ABA) and the ABA Task Force on Law and Artificial Intelligence that shows "a trend toward integrating AI literacy across various legal disciplines, from legal writing to clinical practice."

  36. "New AI guidelines are only a starting point for Canadian legal professionals," 07.05.24.
    This op-ed at Canadian Lawyer examines the existing guidance for Canadian lawyers on the use of artificial intelligence and notes, "Guidance from legal regulators, though a good starting point, is not enough for lawyers using AI in their daily practice. Licensees must remain abreast of developments in AI, including new releases, the statutory framework around it, and the direction provided by the courts."

July 5, 2024

    Top Stories

  1. "Pay for Lawyers Is So High People Are Comparing It to the N.B.A.," 07.01.24.
    The New York Times takes a look at rising lawyer compensation and notes, "Numerous people compared it to a star-centric system like the N.B.A., but others worried that higher and higher pay had gotten out of hand and could strain the law firms forced to stretch their budgets to keep talent from leaving."

  2. "'More Extensive' Vetting: How Law Firms Are Picking Laterals," 07.03.24.
    New York Law Journal reports on recent trends in lateral hiring, noting, "Overall, law firms are taking a month or more to vet partner candidates, they said. The process now entails firms calling more of a candidate's clients to check their business, a candidate meeting more partners at a firm, and firms meeting candidates more face-to-face instead of mostly via Zoom, recruiters say, as firms seek to obtain a more comprehensive outline of laterals' books of business."

  3. Law Schools/Higher Education

  4. "ABA Legal Ed Council To Vote In August On Proposed Revisions To Diversity Accreditation Standard," 07.01.24.
    TaxProf Blog highlights a story from Inside Higher Ed on the status of the ABA's diversity standard for accreditation.

  5. Law Firms

  6. "What 10 Years of Experience Costs in the Am Law 100 Today," 07.05.24.
    "Ten-year lawyers at some firms can charge more than three times that of peers with the same experience in the Am Law 100, bankruptcy billing records indicate," reports The American Lawyer.

  7. "Underperforming Partners Hurt Law Firm Profits, Survey Finds," 07.03.24.
    The American Lawyer looks at results from a recent survey that shows law firm leaders are concerned about the impact of underperforming partners and notes, "The emphasis on partner performance management coincides with the evolution of partner compensation models industrywide due to intense competition to grow through lateral hiring."

  8. "Bucking trend, three law firms pull back from US cities," 07.03.24.
    "Three major law firms have separately confirmed in the last week that they are closing offices in U.S. cities where they previously expanded, pulling back from markets that saw an influx of firms in recent years," reports Reuters.

  9. "There's no such thing as non-billable hours," 07.03.24.
    This blog post from Jordan Furlong asserts, "Everything lawyers do in a law firm is either directly billable to a client today, or it's laying the foundations for billable work tomorrow. There are 'immediately billable' hours in a law firm, and there are 'future investment' hours in a law firm, and both are important. By using a negative, exclusionary term like 'non-billable hours,' law firms fracture the mental and emotional pipelines that connect investment to revenue."

  10. "Few Big Law Firms With Single-Tier Partnerships Are Left. They Aren't Talking About It," 07.02.24.
    The American Lawyer reports, "Some law firms with a single-tier partnership structure say they aren't moving away from it, at least for now. Still, many single-tier firms don't want to openly discuss their structure."

  11. "Which Law Firms Are On Course to be in the Global Elite?" 07.02.24.
    "A breakaway group of law firms will need scale, profitability and geographical reach — but not many have all three," according to The American Lawyer.

  12. "After Law Firm Merger Activity Rose Again, Combinations Expected to Increase Into 2025," 07.01.24.
    The American Lawyer reports, "Law firm mergers continued to accelerate during the second quarter and are expected to keep escalating through the second half of the year and into 2025, [Fairfax Associates] said Monday."

    1. "Few big law firm combinations loom as merger pace picks up," 07.01.24.
      Reuters also reports on the Fairfax Associates data.

  13. "Is the 'Magic Circle' Dead, Or Just Different?" 06.30.24.
    Law.com International examines the status of the U.K.'s "Magic Circle."

  14. Employment Market/Return to Office

  15. "Firm Leaders Adapt to Shifting Workplace Preferences of Young Lawyers," 07.01.24.
    "After a realigning of workplace norms due to the COVID-19 pandemic, law firms are still grappling with how to handle remote-work expectations. While offering flexibility may work for some firms, others still seem reluctant to offer fully remote options," reports Law.com Pro Mid-Market. (Subscription required.)

  16. "Gen-Xers Are Anxious About Retirement — and Want Employers to Help," 06.28.24.
    Inc. reports on recent data that shows "many members of Generation X are anxious about retiring comfortably" and "83 percent of respondents say companies should be responsible for helping employees achieve retirement security."

  17. "That job you applied for might not exist. Here's what's behind a boom in 'ghost jobs,'" 06.27.24.
    CBS News explores what's behind the proliferation of fake job listings and some of the reasons employers give for posting them.

  18. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

  19. "Race was once factored into college admissions. Now, it's factored out," 06.29.24.
    The Washington Post takes a deep dive into the likely implications of SFFA on this year's incoming college classes.

  20. Mental Health/Well-Being

  21. "Should Mental Health Be Included in Partner Compensation?" 07.01.24.
    The American Lawyer reports, "Partner compensation systems that overemphasize competition and profit are hurting lawyers' mental health, a recent American Lawyer survey found."

  22. Technology

  23. "Law Clerk vs. AI? Courthouse Test Highlights Judicial Curiosity," 07.03.24.
    Bloomberg Law reports on an experiment by a Texas judge in which he has had law clerks and artificial intelligence researching the same case: "While only the human-powered work will become part of the court record, Rodriguez plans to publish results on how well and how quickly an artificial intelligence tool performed the summarization and analysis compared to trained young lawyers and law students, he told Bloomberg Law."

  24. "Covington Creates AI Director Role Focused on 'Demystifying' Tech for Lawyers," 07.02.24.
    Legaltech News reports that Covington & Burling has "created a new AI-focused role — director of artificial intelligence and e-discovery solutions."

  25. "AI Accuracy in Legal Research Remains in 'Check Your Work' Phase," 07.02.24.
    Bloomberg Law looks at whether generative artificial intelligence is becoming advanced enough to do accurate legal research and notes, "When many law firms evaluate legal AI tools, they're looking at accuracy and speed, said Jesse Klee, who works on knowledge management and innovation at Cleary Gottlieb. Even though legal research tools are much faster than human lawyers at finding cases, the time it takes to check their work can make time savings a wash, he said."

June 28, 2024

    Top Stories

  1. "Law grads' median earnings of $72,000 after debt show 'vast gulf' in pay, study finds," 06.25.24.
    Reuters reports on new research from Georgetown University's Center on Education and Workforce that shows "law school graduates four years into their careers earn a median $72,000 after subtracting their debt payments, a new study has found. But that figure varies wildly depending on which law school graduates attended."

    1. "A Law Degree Is No Sure Thing," 06.25.24.
      Read the full report here.

    2. "Where Do Law Grads Get the Most Bang for Their Buck?" 06.25.24.
      Law.com takes a look at which schools' graduates earn the highest salaries.

    3. "Most New Attys Don't See 'Flashy Lawyer Salary,'" 06.26.24.
      Law360 reports, "While some new attorneys earn top dollar right out of their Juris Doctor program, that isn't actually the norm, according to a new study from Georgetown University, which found that when factoring in student loan debt, the median earnings for all law graduates land at just $72,000 four years after graduation." (Subscription required.)

    4. "Is law school worth it? At 33 low-tier schools, median income after student debt is $55K or below," 06.26.24.
      ABA Journal also has this story. (Subscription required.)

  2. "Slow But Steady: Law Firm Diversity Gains Continued in 2023," 06.25.24.
    The American Lawyer released their 2024 Diversity Scorecard, which shows that "The pace of growth slowed for representation of diverse attorneys in 2023, but every underrepresented group still made gains."

    1. "The 2024 Diversity Scorecard: Women's Scorecard," 06.25.24.

    2. "Amid Sluggish Growth and 'Significant Leaks' in the Pipeline, Top Firms Invest in Women Associates and Partners Alike," 06.25.24.

    3. "'Committed to Talent,' Firms Strengthen LGBTQ+ Representation in Attorney Ranks," 06.25.24.

  3. Law Schools/Higher Education

  4. "Purdue Global will add full-time JD program, while 2 small California law schools will close," 06.26.24.
    "Purdue Global Law School, described as the oldest wholly online law school, received approval from the California regulators to add a full-time online JD program in January 2025 to its part-time program," reports ABA Journal. (Subscription required.)

  5. "Law students support free speech but want LSAT and bar exams gone, new survey says," 06.25.24.
    ABA Journal reports on a recent student survey from the Buckley Institute that asked law students "to weigh in on free speech, the American legal system, and the 2024 election." Among other things, results showed that "the major tests impacting law school acceptance and bar admissions were considered unfair by the majority of respondents. Of the students surveyed, 54% agreed that the LSAT should be disregarded, and 57% agreed that the bar exam should be eliminated and replaced by other types of evaluation." (Subscription required.)

    1. "Buckley Institute Releases First National Law Student Survey," 06.20.24.
      Read the full report on the Buckley Institute website.

    2. "US survey reveals law students believe bar exams should be abolished," 06.27.24.
      Canadian Lawyer also has this story.

  6. "Minority law school applications increase after ruling against affirmative action," 06.24.24.
    Reuters reports that the number of diverse law school applicants rose this year: "The number of Hispanic applicants is up 8.9% compared with the same time last year, according to data from the Law School Admission Council. Black applicants are up 6.7%, and Asian applicants are up 6.1%, the numbers show. White applicants, by contrast, posted the smallest year-over-year increase at 3.1%."

  7. "Biden's Student Loan Debt Relief Program Halted in Two Courts," 06.24.24.
    "Two federal judges on Monday separately ordered a temporary halt to parts of a flagship Biden administration program to reduce student debt payments and speed up loan forgiveness for some borrowers," reports Bloomberg Law.

  8. "Despite IP Concerns, CA Bar Continues Efforts to Develop State Exam," 06.21.24.
    The Recorder reports, "The State Bar of California's plans to launch a new state bar exam are still in the works even though Kaplan North America, which had been chosen to develop the exam, recently asked to withdraw from participating, citing intellectual property concerns raised by the National Conference of Bar Examiners."

  9. Law Firms

  10. "Battle for Talent Pushes Big Law into Uncharted Territory," 06.27.24.
    The Law.com Barometer newsletter examines the multitude of changes in the legal industry, including those to compensation systems, leadership titles, and partnership tiers and asks, "Where will the free-agent system of Big Law take us?"

  11. "Sullivan & Cromwell Resists 'Radical' Partnership, Compensation Changes," 06.27.24.
    "Leaders of the Wall Street giant detail how they believe their approach to running a law firm — one that is increasingly unique among Big Law elite — is the best path forward for generational success," at The American Lawyer.

  12. "Pro Bono: Potential Rainmaker or Nemesis to Billable Hours?" 06.27.24.
    Daily Business Review reports, "While some firms might view pro bono work as a wedge between billable hours and charitable efforts, many South Florida attorneys are increasingly finding it a valuable tool for firm growth and increased profitability by attracting more clients, better attorneys, and networking that grows business."

  13. "Law Firms Embrace Illinois District's Trial Bar Pro Bono Duties," 06.26.24.
    The state of Illinois has a new requirement for trial lawyers to represent indigent litigants, and Bloomberg Law reports, "The cases provide younger associates with real trial and case management experience they'd otherwise miss, and keeps older partners exposed to trial work at points in their careers when trial appearances may decrease."

  14. "How To Decide If BigLaw's Partner Track Is Right For You," 06.26.24.
    "Not every BigLaw associate is interested in making partner, and there comes a time in each associate's career when they need to begin deciding whether they want to pursue the partner track, or branch off in another direction with their professional lives," reports Law360. (Subscription required.)

  15. "'That Hurts Our Credibility': GCs' Frustration Over Lack of Law Firm Transparency Boils Over," 06.26.24.
    "General counsel say they've grown exasperated by law firms' continued lack of transparency, especially related to billing, a shortcoming that's making it increasingly difficult for them to justify hefty outside counsel spending internally," according to Corporate Counsel.

  16. "Billing Rate Hikes 'Not Slowing Down,' With Pricing Surges Expected in 2024," 06.26.24.
    The American Lawyer reports, "New survey results show 86% of large firms in the U.S. and U.K. expect to increase billing rates over the next 12 months, with nearly a fifth of respondents expecting them to increase by between 41% and 60%."

    1. "The Law Firm Disrupted: Rising Billing Rates, Rising Partner Compensation," 06.27.24.
      Law.com's Law Firm Disrupted column examines the confluence of increased billing rates and higher lawyer compensation, noting, "The connection between surging law firm billing rates and escalating pay packages for top producers at elite firms isn't necessarily a direct one, but it's bound to raise clients' hackles nonetheless."

  17. "Marketing vs. Business Development: What's the Difference and Why Do You Need Both?" 06.26.24.
    A marketing consultant, writing for The Legal Intelligencer, outlines the differences between marketing and business development and explains why both are necessary.

  18. "Small Firms Put Unique Spin On Summer Associate Programs," 06.25.24.
    Law360 reports, "As the competition for sought-after BigLaw summer associateships continues to ramp up, some small firms and boutiques are seeing an opportunity to develop their own programs to attract law students looking to gain valuable experience." (Subscription required.)

  19. "More Lawyers Are Giving Up Big Law Pay to Move to Midsize Firms. What's Driving Their Departures?" 06.24.24.
    Law.com Pro Mid-Market reports, "Although working at a large firm has its benefits, smaller firms are making a value proposition based on lighter billing rates, less bureaucracy and more meaningful work. And as lawyers weigh the benefits of moving downstream with a potential pay cut, more are taking that pay cut to work at smaller firms."

  20. "Midyear Associate Bonuses Are Catching Big Law Attention, but Will Other Firms Actually Follow?" 06.24.24.
    The American Lawyer reports, "Some observers say recent summer bonuses from litigation boutiques could 'definitely' get Big Law firms thinking about whether to match, or increase, end-of-year offerings," but others are more skeptical.

    1. "BigLaw Unlikely To Follow Suit On Midyear Bonuses," 06.26.24.
      "Litigation-focused firms McKool Smith PC and Hueston Hennigan LLP have kicked off the summer by offering midyear bonuses to their hardworking attorneys. However, given the uneven demand across legal services, recruiters do not anticipate that major law firms will immediately follow suit," reports Law360. (Subscription required.)

  21. Employment Market/Return to Office

  22. "Big-Picture Scenarios Guide Law Associates' Critical Thinking," 06.28.24.
    This op-ed at Bloomberg Law discusses the importance of mock assignments in associate development.

  23. "Bosses are using 'silent layoffs' and 'quiet firing' to get rid of employees. It could backfire," 06.26.24.
    Business Insider looks at the new trends of "silent layoffs" and "quiet firing," noting these "could be the most harmful [trends] to date."

  24. "Lawyers Can Make Big Career Jumps by Tapping Creativity, Resolve," 06.26.24.
    This op-ed at Bloomberg Law, written by a former general counsel, offers advice to lawyers on how to pivot to keep your career interesting.

  25. "From Big Law or In-House: Who's the Best Hire for Your Legal Department?" 06.21.24.
    A legal search consultant, writing for Law.com, explores the types of experience that will make successful in-house lawyers.

  26. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

  27. "Concessions or 'More Buy-In'? Law Firm Diversity Leaders Weigh Opening Programs to All Applicants," 06.25.24.
    The American Lawyer reports, "A slew of lawsuits prompted some law firms to open diversity-focused opportunities to everyone, but diversity leaders believe specific programming is still necessary for progress."

  28. "Embracing Diversity in the Face of Challenges: How Law Firms Can Attract and Retain Diverse Talent," 06.25.24.
    This op-ed at Law.com provides "proactive steps law firms can take to ensure a talented and diverse workforce in the current landscape."

  29. "DEI Attacks Betray Professionals Striving for Workplace Fairness," 06.25.24.
    A Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion officer, writing for Bloomberg Law, argues that DEI programs are about more than politics and provides tips for supporting DEI professionals and their work.

  30. Mental Health/Well-Being

  31. "The Case For BigLaw Being More Transparent About Suicides," 06.26.24.
    Law360 reports, "While BigLaw's suicide prevention efforts emphasize open communication around mental health, firms are largely less transparent about how they'd respond to the suicide of an employee." (Subscription required.)

  32. "New Fla. Bar Prez Focused On Atty Health In 'Pressure Cooker'," 06.21.24.
    Law360 reports, "Incoming Florida Bar president Roland Sanchez-Medina Jr. promised Friday to prioritize the mental health and well-being of attorneys during his yearlong term, noting that the legal profession 'can be a pressure cooker.'" (Subscription required.)

  33. "The depressing reality of quiet vacationing," 06.20.24.
    Business Insider examines the new trend of "quiet vacationing," noting, "The problem isn't really that people are working from elsewhere, especially if it's not hurting their productivity. The greater issue is what it signifies about their relationship with work and the incentives that have been fostered at their companies."

  34. Technology

  35. "ABA's artificial intelligence task force releases law school survey," 06.25.24.
    ABA Journal reports on a recent survey of law schools that showed, "Law schools are overwhelmingly integrating emerging artificial intelligence technology into their curriculums, but they're still not sure about specific AI policies." (Subscription required.)

    1. "US law schools integrate AI into curriculums but remain uncertain on specific policies," 06.27.24.
      Canadian Lawyer also has this story.

  36. "As Law Firm Tech Options Grow, Keep It People-Focused, Accessible, Urge Tech Experts," 06.21.24.
    This editorial at The American Lawyer asserts, "As law firms seek to join in on the AI revolution, it's worth remembering that they are still a people business."

  37. "'This Is Not Science Fiction': Inside Legal Departments That Parlayed AI Experimentation Into Real ROI," 06.21.24.
    Corporate Counsel reports on some of the uses of generative artificial intelligence, noting, "While legal teams are looking to AI to help ease the burden of crushing workloads, the more ambitious and creative among them are using AI to do things that weren't possible a year ago."

  38. "Law Students 'Level The Playing Field' By Creating AI Tools," 06.21.24.
    Law360 reports, "With the arrival of generative artificial intelligence in the legal profession, a few law students have taken it upon themselves to use this new technology to create tools that help fellow law students with legal studies." (Subscription required.)

  39. "AI Gold Rush: Are We Repeating the Dot-Com Bubble?" 06.18.24.
    This op-ed at Legaltech News examines "parallels between the dot-com boom and the current AI boom are striking, characterized by a cycle of technological innovation, consumer enthusiasm, and speculative investment that often characterizes transformative eras in tech history."

June 21, 2024

    Top Stories

  1. "19 states defend ABA law school diversity rule amid Republican warning," 06.20.24.
    "Attorneys general from 19 Democratic-led states on Thursday pledged to help defend the American Bar Association's requirement that law schools advance diversity goals, after a coalition of Republican-led states attacked the ABA accreditation standard earlier this month," according to Reuters.

  2. "How Law Firms are Reducing Redundant Real Estate by Bringing Onsite Support Services Back to the Office," 06.21.24.
    As law firms continue to prioritize in-office work, Law.com says many firms are seeking to update their operation strategies by "maximizing space and revitalizing operations by bringing administrative, word processing, and billing services back onsite."

  3. Law Schools/Higher Education

  4. "Over 100 Law Deans Sign Letter Encouraging 'Vital' Training to Preserve Democracy," 06.18.24.
    Law.com reports, "The American Bar Association published a letter Tuesday signed by more than 100 U.S. law school deans, in partnership with the ABA's Task Force for American Democracy, pushing the legal community to prioritize training necessary for the next generation of lawyers to sustain constitutional democracy and the rule of law."

  5. "Universities Revise Policies Surrounding Campus Demonstrations," 06.18.24.
    "Indiana University and the University of Pennsylvania are the latest schools to adopt or consider temporary procedures for campus events and demonstrations following a string of protests held on college campuses earlier this year in response to the war in Gaza," reports Law.com.

  6. "Sullivan & Cromwell Threatens Student Funding Over Antisemitism," 06.18.24.
    Bloomberg Law reports, "Sullivan & Cromwell asked law school student groups to confirm they don't support harassment or risk losing funding from the firm amid a surge of pro-Palestine protests on college campuses earlier this year."

  7. "Eliminating Law School Admissions Tests Won't Help DEI Challenges," 06.17.24.
    A representative from JD-Next, writing for Bloomberg Law, asserts, "To maintain diversity and validity — the accuracy in identifying which applicants will be successful if admitted — law schools should incorporate more innovative approaches into their admissions processes."

  8. "LSAC president reflects on challenges facing legal ed as she shifts to lead Association of American Law Schools," 06.17.24.
    ABA Journal interviews Kellye Testy, who is leaving LSAC to become Executive Director at AALS, about "the changes and the challenges facing legal education." (Subscription required.)

  9. Law Firms

  10. "Latham Mulls 'Super' Points for Partner Pay, as Industry Makes 'Tectonic' Comp Changes," 06.20.24.
    The American Lawyer explores the concept of "points" and "super-points" in relation to partner compensation.

  11. "New report shows Yale Law School students prioritize firm culture in job decisions," 06.20.24.
    Canadian Lawyer reports, "Yale Law Women+ (YLW+) has published its nineteenth annual Top Firms Report, revealing that culture is the most critical factor for Yale Law School students when deciding which law firm offer to accept."

  12. "With 'Fractional' C-Suite Advisers, Midsize Firms Balance Expertise With Expense," 06.20.24.
    The American Lawyer reports, "Some midsize firms looking to leverage Big Law experience for a lower price point are taking advantage of a 'fractional' leadership model" which "entails outsourcing marketing and strategic needs to industry veterans."

  13. "Who made it to the 2024 list of top pro bono law firms?" 06.18.24.
    Canadian Lawyer reports on their list of 5-Star Pro Bono Firms.

  14. "Dentons' Project Golden Spike Reaches the End of the Line," 06.18.24.
    The American Lawyer reports, "Dentons' growth initiative targeting overlooked U.S. markets, which sought to 'do for law and commerce in the 21st Century what the transcontinental railroad did for transportation and commerce 150 years ago,' has been discontinued, sources familiar with the firm confirmed."

    1. "Dentons' Project Golden Spike Had Bold Ambitions. Did it Meet Them?" 06.20.24.
      This follow-up article provides insights from industry experts and observers into whether the project was successful or not.

  15. "The 2024 NLJ 500: Headcount Growth Returns to Pre-Pandemic Levels," 06.18.24.
    "Attorney headcounts at the 500 largest law firms in the United States continued to grow in 2023, though growth rates subsided to pre-pandemic levels after accelerating in 2022," according to The National Law Journal.

    1. "For Law Firms, There's No Substitute For Associate Growth," 06.18.24.
      The National Law Journal explores growth in the associate market in comparison with the trending growth in the numbers of nonequity partners.

  16. "The Goldilocks Solution to Law Firm Growth: Large Group Liftouts Prove 'Just Right'," 06.17.24.
    The American Lawyer reports, "Group hires are having a moment, as one-off laterals often fail to attract clients while whole-firm acquisitions carry significant risks."

  17. "Dear Dan: Blunt Advice from Top Law Firms About Legal Recruiters — Part Four: Bringing it All Together," 06.14.24.
    The final installment of Dan Binstock's series on working with third-party recruiters, at The American Lawyer, summarizes "how your choice of a recruiter can reflect on you in ways you might not anticipate."

  18. "Pro Bono Hours Ticked Upward in 2023, But Still Trail Pre-Pandemic Participation," 06.14.24.
    "Total pro bono hours at 120 firms participating in the Pro Bono Institute's annual challenge ticked up by 2.5% in 2023 when compared with 2022, as the industry makes progress in returning to pre-pandemic participation," reports The American Lawyer.

  19. Employment Market/Return to Office

  20. "What Firms in Australia Are Doing to Attract and Retain Lawyers in a Competitive Market," 06.20.24.
    Law.com International reports on some things law firms in Australia are doing to attract and retain lawyers in a very competitive market, including work-from-home policies, secondments, and well-being programs.

  21. "What Attorneys Really Think About Their Profession," 06.18.24.
    "Law360 Pulse asked respondents to our Lawyer Satisfaction Survey for their thoughts on misconceptions about being a lawyer, what the best parts of the job are and what they would tell newer lawyers. Here's what they said." (Subscription required.)

    1. "Are Attorneys Happy On The Job?" 06.18.24.

    2. "Collegiality Is Now The Norm At Law Firms," 06.18.24.

  22. "Let's talk about recruiters," 06.17.24.
    "Lawyers struggle to attract talent who are both capable and a good fit for a firm's culture," according to this column at Law360 Canada. (Subscription required.)

  23. "NYC Bar Association Condemns Federal Judges Over Letter to Columbia," 06.17.24.
    "The New York City Bar Association released a statement Monday condemning a group of federal judges for what the organization called 'improper use of the judicial offices' over the judges' recent letter stating they would no longer hire law clerks from Columbia University over its handling of the pro-Palestinian protests on campus earlier this year," reports New York Law Journal.

  24. "Talks Advance to Form First Attorney Union at Justice Department," 06.17.24.
    Bloomberg Law reports, "Environmental lawyers are attempting to form the first known union of litigating attorneys in Justice Department history, a campaign sparked by return-to-office mandates and fears of political intervention, employee and labor organizers said."

  25. "Anatomy Of A Remote BigLaw Office: Lessons From The Link," 06.14.24.
    Law360 reports, "Four years since it launched in 2020, Husch Blackwell LLP's remote office, called The Link, has grown from 50 attorneys and business professionals to more than 700, with around a quarter of the law firm's attorneys practicing as part of the office." (Subscription required.)

  26. "How to keep lawyers from quitting," 06.14.24.
    CBA/ABC National reports on attrition and retention data from the NALP Foundation.

  27. "Making Legal Cents: Engaging A Remote, Evolving Workforce," 06.13.24.
    "In the face of a dispersed and changing workforce with Generation Z entering the scene, law firms should consider some practical strategies to revitalize their cultures, provide meaningful mentorship and safeguard their knowledge bases, says Shireen Hilal at Maior Strategic Consulting," at Law360. (Subscription required.)

  28. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

  29. "Small and Mid-Sized Firms Can Effectively Deploy DEI Initiatives," 06.21.24.
    Two lawyers writing for Bloomberg Law argue that "Small and midsize law firms should recognize they're well-positioned to effect change and advance DEI efforts."

  30. "Banks, Law and Consulting Firms Are Watering Down Their Diversity Recruiting Programs," 06.20.24.
    The Wall Street Journal reports that many white-collar companies are moving away from diversity programs, noting, "For some applicants who felt the programs excluded them, the changes may be welcome. Some minority job seekers worry they could erode a path for diverse candidates to find internships and entry-level roles."

  31. "Most Americans approve of DEI, according to Post-Ipsos poll," 06.18.24.
    The Washington Post reports on a recent poll that shows "most Americans approve of companies taking steps to address the historic inequalities in their ranks."

  32. "Tribune Special Report: Why the Blackout in Philly's Big Law," 06.15.24.
    The Philadelphia Tribune takes an in-depth look at data on diversity in law firms in Philadelphia (and nationwide) and reasons behind the lack of Black lawyers in that city and beyond.

  33. "Retirement for young and old lawyers: The final chapter," 06.12.24.
    At Law360 Canada, Murray Gottheil examines the idea of retirement for lawyers. (Subscription required.)

  34. "How In-House Teams Use E-Billing Tools To Track DEI Metrics," 06.12.24.
    Law360 reports, "A pair of legal operations professionals shared during a panel Wednesday that they use their companies' electronic billing systems to collect diversity, equity and inclusion data from retained U.S.-based outside counsel." (Subscription required.)

  35. Mental Health/Well-Being

  36. "A Little Thank You Goes a Long Way," 06.20.24.
    The Young Lawyer Editorial Board of The Legal Intelligencer points out recent news about lawyer mental health and argues, "We should be focusing on one key aspect of the report that can be changed: lawyers feel underappreciated. Nearly 60% of the lawyers surveyed reported having decreased satisfaction and sense of accomplishment. So, instead of dwelling on what seems unlikely to change, or the biggest mountains to overcome — like the 'boogieman' known as the billable hour and always-on culture, let's all just look around to our colleagues and show a little bit of honest appreciation." (Emphasis in original.)

  37. "How Mentoring Helps Combat Imposter Syndrome in Young Lawyers," 06.18.24.
    A young lawyer, writing for Daily Business Review, explores imposter syndrome and asserts, "One thing that imposter syndrome will not tell you is this: Every attorney starts at the beginning, at page one, and that is precisely why a mentor who can empathize and assist with their own experience is vital for many new attorneys who get caught in this rut."

  38. "Helping Students Unlearn 'Learned Helplessness,'" 06.17.24.
    Inside Higher Ed explores the concepts of "learned helplessness" (in students) and "empathy fatigue" (in faculty and staff) and how institutions can work to combat both problems.

  39. Technology

  40. "'Everyone Is Swamped': In-House Lawyers Hopeful Gen AI Will Help Them Come Up for Air," 06.20.24.
    Corporate Counsel reports on a recent survey that showed "57% [of respondents] said AI could alleviate job dissatisfaction" if used for "some low-value, routine work such as extracting and surfacing data analytics and insights — leaving lawyers more time for more rewarding, higher-value work."

  41. "Law schools boost their AI offerings as industry booms," 06.18.24.
    Reuters reports, "More than half of law schools now offer classes on AI, according to a recent American Bar Association survey, with the number of those courses accelerating since ChatGPT made its splashy debut in November 2022. At least two law schools are launching special degree programs focused on AI."

  42. "As Law Firms Embrace AI, Will Dedicated Executive Roles Give Them An Edge?" 06.14.24.
    This Daily Business Review interview with Major, Lindsey & Africa's Carlos Pauling asks, "will the rise of AI create a need for executives solely tasked with AI, or will that just fall under the umbrella of an already existing role?"

June 14, 2024

    Top Stories

  1. "Don't Say 'Elite': Corporate Firms' New Pitch Is Meritocracy," 06.10.24.
    The New York Times reports, "McKinsey, Accenture and other big firms want to recruit with a wider net, focusing more on skills than on pedigree."

  2. "LSAT alternative gains popularity as more law schools sign on," 06.13.24.
    "The American Bar Association has granted five law schools permission to use the alternative admissions program JD-Next, pushing the number of campuses that allow applicants to bypass the Law School Admission Test or GRE to 57," reports Reuters.

  3. Law Schools/Higher Education

  4. "Learning The Rural Practice of Law," 06.14.24.
    TaxProf Blog features this Wyoming Law Review article exploring "how law schools can better educate students about the possibilities and opportunities presented by rural practice and prepare them with the skills to succeed."

  5. "Preparing Law Students For Real-World Practice," 06.13.24.
    TaxProf Blog also highlights this paper which "describes problems with legal curricula, pressures to improve because of the NextGen bar exam and some states' plans to use alternative mechanisms for licensing, and successful techniques for improving the realism in law school courses."

  6. Law Firms

  7. "'It's All About Building Relationships': Phila. Firm Leaders Foster Community Ties Via Investments and Service," 06.12.24.
    The Legal Intelligencer examines some of the ways local Philadelphia firms are building relationships with clients.

  8. "Skadden Hires First Chief People Officer as More Law Firms Take Holistic Approach to Talent," 06.12.24.
    "Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom has hired its first chief people officer, Annemarie Crouch, the firm said Wednesday, the latest law firm to adjust its C-suite to focus more on talent matters," reports The American Lawyer.

  9. "How Attorney Titles in Big Law Can Mean Everything, and Nothing, All at Once," 06.10.24.
    The American Lawyer discusses the recent "flurry of new leadership titles in Big Law" and whether their primary importance is for leadership or for marketing.

  10. "Law firm culture beats pay when choosing where to work, Yale survey says," 06.10.24.
    Reuters reports, "Culture, compensation and advancement opportunities top the list of factors Yale Law School students weigh when choosing which law firm to join, according to a new study [from Yale Law Women+]."

  11. "Young People are Setting the Political Agenda. Can Law Firms Cope?" 06.09.24.
    "Social media has given a voice to young people who are setting the political (and moral) agenda — law firms are struggling to keep up, writes The Global Lawyer," at Law.com International.

  12. "Culture Key to Remaining Competitive for Talent at Midsize Firms," 06.07.24.
    The Legal Intelligencer reports, "Struggling to compete with larger firms when it comes to compensation, midsized firms can look to culture, including hybrid working arrangements, as a way to bring in and retain talent, according to a roundtable with Alevistar Legal Search founder and managing partner Brian Levinson hosted by the Philadelphia Bar Association."

  13. "Dear Dan: Blunt Advice from Top Law Firms About Legal Recruiters — Part Three," 06.07.24.
    The third installment of Dan Binstock's series on working with recruiters, in The American Lawyer, "provides additional quotes and from law firms regarding the dos and don'ts of managing the process with your recruiter."

  14. Employment Market/Return to Office

  15. "Oregon's alternative pathway to the bar proves popular," 06.13.24.
    ABA Journal reports, "Oregon's new Supervised Practice Portfolio Examination that allows ABA-accredited law school graduates to join the state's bar by working closely with a supervising attorney instead of taking the bar exam is gaining traction with candidates and potential employers." (Subscription required.)

  16. "Anticipating Annual Reviews: Advocating for Your Advancement," 06.13.24.
    This op-ed at The Legal Intelligencer advises young lawyers to "remember that a review is not only an opportunity to receive constructive feedback about your performance, but also an opportunity to advocate for yourself, particularly as you progress in your career path."

  17. "The 2024 Summer Associates Survey," 06.11.24.
    Law360 provides insights into this year's summer associate classes. (Subscription required.)

    1. "These Firms Are Where Summers Want To Work," 06.11.24.

    2. "Law Firms Roll Back Summer Programs In Tight Legal Market," 06.11.24.

    3. "What Are Summer Associates Saying?" 06.11.24.

    4. "How Firms Can Effectively Evaluate Their Summer Associates," 06.11.24.

  18. "Canadian In-House Counsel Salaries Up 9%, Report Shows," 06.09.24.
    Law.com International reports on a new study by The Counsel Network, now part of Caldwell, and the Canadian Corporate Counsel Association (CCCA) that shows "the national base salary in Canada for in-house counsel increased by almost 9% to CA$196,000 compared to $180,000 in 2022."

  19. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

  20. "My Journey From a Low Socio-Economic Background to Big Law," 06.13.24.
    A London lawyer, writing for Law.com International, shares the advantages and disadvantages of being a lawyer from a working-class background.

  21. "Title IX Rule Expanding LGBTQ Rights Barred by Federal Court," 06.13.24.
    Bloomberg Law reports, "A Biden Education Department Title IX rule that aims to strengthen protections for transgender students was blocked by a federal court in four states Thursday."

  22. "Backing Diversity as First Amendment Expression Comes With Risks," 06.13.24.
    "Invoking the First Amendment to defend initiatives aimed at boosting workplace diversity, equity, and inclusion has the potential to set precedent that provides legal ammunition to undercut other civil rights goals," reports Bloomberg Law.

  23. "DEI Risk Calculus Tests Corporate Counsel as Pressures Mount," 06.10.24.
    This Bloomberg Law special edition "brings you perspectives from leaders in government and companies, chief DEI officers, academics, and lawyers."

    1. "Workplace DEI Breaks Down Barriers With Flexible Benchmarks," 06.10.24. (by EEOC Commissioner Kalpana Kotagal)

    2. "How GCs Should Prepare the Board to Decide DEI's Next Phase," 06.10.24. (by Bloomberg Law columnist Rob Chesnut)

    3. "New Paradigm Shifts DEI From Box-Checking to Mindset-Building," 06.11.24. (by NYU Law's Kenji Yoshino and David Glasgow)

    4. "Tailor the Next Stage of DEI to Your Company's Unique Workforce," 06.11.24. (by KPMG US's Chief DEI Officer Elena Richards)

    5. "Corporate DEI Isn't Dead. It's an Existential Moment for Change," 06.13.24. (by Rutgers Law School Professor Stacy Hawkins)

    6. "To Manage DEI Risk, Gain Buy-In With Coaching, Consensus Building," 06.13.24. (by Stinson's Chief Diversity and Inclusion Officer Ann Thomas)

    7. "Don't Be Afraid to Experiment — and Even Fail — to Make DEI Advances," 06.14.24. (by Amy Yeung, Vice President and Deputy General Counsel at a Fortune 1000 public company)

  24. Mental Health/Well-Being

  25. "New Manitoba law society president to tackle bullying, mental illness among licensees," 06.10.24.
    Law360 Canada reports, "The new president of Manitoba's law society is on a mission to improve the mental health of lawyers and eliminate bullying and harassment in the profession. Gerri Wiebe, named Law Society of Manitoba (LSM) president on May 16, recently sat down with Law360 Canada to discuss some of the items she ultimately wants to check off during her term." (Subscription required.)

  26. Technology

  27. "Gen AI Is Eliminating Legal Research and Internal Work Product Silos," 06.13.24.
    The Law.com Barometer newsletter this week examines how generative AI is helping create a world where lawyers "no longer have to toggle between two silos of important precedent in drafting documents or creating workflows."

  28. "How Legal Gen AI Is Better Preparing Law Students for the Real World," 06.13.24.
    The op-ed at Legaltech News, written by a vice president at LexisNexis, outlines six ways that generative artificial intelligence tools are helping law students become better prepared for legal careers.

June 7, 2024

    Top Stories

  1. "State AGs Warn Bar That Its Law School DEI Rules Are Illegal," 06.05.24.
    Bloomberg Law reports, "More than 20 Republican state attorneys general warned the American Bar Association of potential discrimination violations over diversity requirements in the Bar's law school accreditation system in a letter."

  2. "Law Firms Start Training Summer Associates on Using Generative AI," 06.04.24.
    "K&L Gates, Dechert, and Orrick Herrington & Sutcliffe have incorporated training on the technology for this year's class of summer associates, teaching them how to use research and chatbot tools now being used by the firms. The programs offer a window into what some firms believe artificial intelligence will mean for those now entering the profession," reports Bloomberg Law.

  3. Law Schools/Higher Education

  4. "College students with these majors crush the LSAT. End of logic games may change that," 06.04.24.
    "Law students with a background in science, tech, engineering and math tend to have strong Law School Admission Test scores and are in short supply compared with the thousands of applicants coming out of humanities and social science majors…. But STEM majors looking to become attorneys could lose some of their competitive edge with the August removal of the 'logic games' portion of the LSAT," reports Reuters.

  5. "NCBE Releases Results of NextGen's First Pilot Test," 06.03.24.
    The National Conference of Bar Examiners has released results from the first pilot test of the NextGen bar exam, in which "participants answered drafts of new types of questions being developed for the NextGen exam, and then provided feedback on the questions and on their overall experience taking the pilot test."

  6. "Report: Toronto Law Students Did Not Breach School's Code of Conduct With Pro-Palestinian Letter," 05.31.24.
    Law.com International reports, "Toronto law school students who wrote an 'aggressive' and 'harsh' letter to their deans calling on the school to be more actively pro-Palestinian after the Hamas attacks last October did not breach their school's non-academic code of conduct, an external review has found."

  7. "Meet Jennifer Rosato Perea, who'll lead ABA accreditation and legal ed as managing director," 05.29.24.
    ABA Journal introduces the managing director for accreditation and legal education at the ABA. (Subscription required.)

  8. "U.S. News & World Report's law school rankings 'irrelevant' to applicants, study finds," 05.28.24.
    Reuters reports on recent research that "found little to no correlation between ranking changes and the behavior of applicants. That is, schools that jumped in the rankings didn't generally bring in stronger classes, and those that fell didn't necessarily enroll weaker ones."

    1. "Frye & Ryan: Entering Law Students Do Not Rely On The U.S. News Rankings In Choosing A Law School," 05.28.24.
      TaxProf Blog has a link to the research paper.

    2. "Once A Standard, US News Rankings Now 'Entirely Irrelevant,'" 05.29.24.
      Law360 reports, "Once 'the bellwether of the legal academy,' the annual law school rankings published by U.S. News & World Report don't matter to today's prospective law students, a pair of law professors say in a new study."

    3. "U.S. News Law School Rankings Aren't Useful Anymore to Applicants," 06.05.24.
      In his column at Bloomberg Law, David Lat shares his observations on the new study.

  9. "'Raising Up' Student Parents," 05.28.24.
    Inside Higher Ed examines a new docuseries on "the lives of student parents and the supports they need to thrive in college."

  10. Law Firms

  11. "Amid Law Firm Merger Frenzy, Former Leaders of Wilmer and Hale Offer Insights," 06.06.24.
    At The National Law Journal, leaders from WilmerHale share their experiences with merging two firms and discuss their thoughts on why their merger was successful.

  12. "Lateral Leaps Are Far From Solo Endeavors — Even Among Young Lawyers," 06.06.24.
    Three young lawyers, writing for The Legal Intelligencer, reflect on their experience of making a lateral move as a group from a mid-size firm to a Big Law firm.

  13. "For Law Firm Succession Planning, GCs Take Matters Into Their Own Hands," 06.04.24.
    The American Lawyer reports, "The question of succession planning within law firms doesn't haunt corporate counsel when they look to select their outside counsel. Instead of fearing an unexpected departure or retirement and relying on an attorney's own succession plan, they cultivate their own lines of succession for their outside lawyers, ensuring there is a backup in place to take care of the company's work."

  14. "4 Ways Young Attys Can Balance Pro Bono And Billable Hours," 05.29.24.
    Law360 shares insights from experts on "how lawyers can commit to meaningful volunteer work while keeping up with their regular responsibilities." (Subscription required.)

  15. "Largest Law Firms Increase Partner Pay Spread, as Comp Models Hit 'Inflection Point,'" 05.28.24.
    The American Lawyer reports that the pay ratio at Am Law 100 firms went up in 2023, while "the average spread among Second Hundred firms fell a bit, as that segment arguably focused on building leverage and increasing lawyer head count last year."

    1. "It's Not Just the Spread. Big Law Is Making More 'Business-Driven' Pay Choices," 06.03.24.
      "Big Law isn't just increasing the spread between its highest- and lowest-paid partners — it's evolving on compensation in several ways, according to observers and recent industry analysis. Those include increasing bonus pools, redrawing lines between equity and nonequity partners and expanding credits to go beyond origination," according to The American Lawyer.

  16. "Is There a Maximum Number in This Salary Race?" 05.27.24.
    This Law.com International editorial reports that "In the last five years junior lawyer salaries have increased by about 50%," and suggests, "Surely this process cannot continue forever. At some point it will become too costly to pay such numbers."

  17. "Dear Dan: Blunt Advice from Top Law Firms About Legal Recruiters — Part One," 05.24.24.
    Recruiter Dan Binstock, writing for The American Lawyer, shares the inside scoop on working with third-party recruiters. This first installment is called "Yes, Your Choice of Recruiter Can Directly Help or Hurt You."

    1. "Dear Dan: Blunt Advice From Top Law Firms About Legal Recruiters — Part Two," 05.31.24.
      The second installment "provides detailed (but anonymous) quotes and advice on selecting the right legal recruiter."

  18. "Soaring Salaries Force Tough Decisions by Big Law Leaders," 05.23.24.
    Bloomberg Law's Big Law Business column explores "the management headache associated with tweaking compensation policies."

  19. "Mid-Law Heads Focus On Fundamentals Amid BigLaw Raiding," 05.23.24.
    Law360 reports, "With several Mid-Law firms losing large groups of attorneys to BigLaw in 2024, firm leaders say they are focused on growth, maintaining their culture and implementing their strategic plans, rather than fixating on BigLaw's potential efforts to recruit their talent." (Subscription required.)

  20. "Is The Sky The Limit For BigLaw Billing Rates?" 05.21.24.
    "Data continues to pile up demonstrating large law firms' success in raising their billing rates at a historic pace while also continuing to command ever-larger portions of in-house legal departments' spending, which seems to point to a seemingly unfettered ability to raise rates," according to Law360. (Subscription required.)

  21. Employment Market/Return to Office

  22. "The Law Firm Disrupted: With an Office Status Quo Established, Full Steam Ahead on Real Estate Decisions," 06.06.24.
    Law.com's Law Firm Disrupted column looks at return-to-office policies and amenities and concludes, "even if firms may overestimate the value of an extravagant office, top firms locked in a talent fight that also want bodies on site can't sit on the sidelines."

  23. "'Recruitment and retention crisis' leading to potential strike for New Brunswick Crown prosecutors," 06.05.24.
    Canadian Lawyer reports, "The New Brunswick Crown Prosecutors Association (NBCPA) has the greenlight from its membership to strike if upcoming talks with the province fail to produce a resolution to their concerns about retention, recruitment, and the resulting overwhelming workload."

  24. "Group urges US judiciary to halt conservative judges' clerk boycotts," 06.05.24.
    Reuters reports, "A government watchdog group on Wednesday urged the U.S. judiciary to rein in the recurring practice of conservative judges boycotting the hiring of law clerks from specific schools over protests and disruptions on their campuses."

  25. "Why So Many GCs Are Jumping To Law Firm Partnerships," 05.31.24.
    "What started as a trickle of general counsel retiring and then finishing out their careers at law firms has expanded into a growing number of senior in-house counsel leaving their companies for private practice. And not only in part-time, of counsel positions, but often as full partners," according to Law360. (Subscription required.)

  26. "Inside Track: Career Path for Aspiring GCs Becoming More Daunting," 05.31.24.
    Law.com reports on how the job of general counsel has changed and what that means for aspiring GCs, noting, "few lawyers encompass the broad range of skills needed to thrive in such a role — a reality that is causing companies to hire battle-tested lawyers who already were GCs elsewhere over up-and-comers who are overflowing with promise but ultimately unproven."

  27. "Quality Development Programs Are Key to Legal Staff Retention," 05.30.24.
    Corporate Counsel reports, "Offering high quality development programs is key to developing and retaining lawyers and legal staff."

  28. "How Do We Know Who 'Wins' the War for Talent?" 05.30.24.
    The American Lawyer examines "what 'success' in the lateral market means and whether that definition can vary from firm to firm or even partner to partner."

  29. "Fully Human Lawyer: The Secret Thoughts of Lateral Partner Hires," 05.30.24.
    Executive coach Lauren Krasnow, writing for The American Lawyer, discusses the delicate balance of communication (or non-communication) that happens in the early stages after a lateral hire, noting, "While firms often believe they're doing everything they can to ensure their lateral partners' success, I observe that the two to three years in which it takes most firms to write off new laterals as 'underperforming' is the same two to three years in which laterals fester with concerns that they are (rationally) afraid to voice."

  30. "Hiring New Grads During Israel-Hamas War Risks Pitfalls for GCs," 05.28.24.
    A lawyer, writing for Bloomberg Law, "reviews in-house counsels' options as they consider hiring students from schools with active war protests."

  31. "'Acceptance' of Return-to-Work Policies Permeates Big Law," 05.28.24.
    This editorial at The American Lawyer reports, "A recent survey of large law firm employees found 57% were 'satisfied' with their office attendance policies while 29% were 'neutral.' Only 13% registered as 'not satisfied.'"

  32. "Will an earlier big law firm recruiting calendar change the market for prospective law school transfer students?" 05.10.24.
    Derek Muller at Excess of Democracy discusses the impact of earlier recruiting cycles on transfer students.

  33. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

  34. "New Federal Pregnancy Regulations: Five Key Takeaways and Five Key Action Steps for Employers," 06.05.24.
    This op-ed in Daily Report outlines five takeaways from the EEOC's newly published final regulations and interpretive guidance for the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act (PWFA).

  35. "Eleventh Circuit Grants Injunction Against Nonprofit for Excluding Women Not of Color From Entrepreneurship Contest," 06.05.24.
    "The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit issued an opinion June 3 upholding a ruling against a nonprofit organization finding an entrepreneurship funding competition open only to Black female business owners to be discriminatory," according to Daily Report.

  36. "Conservative Duo Wants to Take Down DEI One Bias Claim at a Time," 06.05.24.
    Bloomberg Law takes a deep dive into the two conservative organizations that are fighting diversity programs.

  37. "The Surge of Anti-LGBTQ+ Bills and How We Can Protect Ourselves," 06.04.24.
    This op-ed at The Legal Intelligencer outlines the "unprecedented upsurge of anti-LGBTQ+ legislation introduced across the United States" and provides advice on protecting yourself and your family.

  38. "Standards Are Murky As Legal Employers Vet Protesters," 06.03.24.
    "As violence in Gaza rages on, law firms have vowed not to employ pro-Palestinian lawyers whose conduct they deem unacceptable. But unacceptable is in the eye of the beholder, and that makes it difficult for law students and lawyers who advocate for a ceasefire to navigate the workplace and the job market," reports Law360. (Subscription required.)

  39. "From Refugee To Shareholder: A Call For Inclusive Law Firms," 06.03.24.
    At Law360, "A Sandberg Phoenix & von Gontard PC shareholder recently shared her experiences advancing as a woman at a law firm, and why businesses must create an inclusive workplace culture." (Subscription required.)

  40. "Companies Quietly Ramp Up DEI Efforts Amid Political Turmoil," 06.03.24.
    Bloomberg Law reports, "most companies plan to invest more in DEI initiatives over the next two years, according to survey results released Monday by global executive head-hunting firm Bridge Partners. Uncertainty over the outcome of the November presidential election — and its repercussions — means executives may make these investments quietly, however, said Tory Clarke, co-founder and partner of Bridge Partners."

  41. "Ex-Judge Tatel Regrets Focusing Clerk Hiring on Applicants from Elite Law Schools," 05.31.24.
    Law.com previews an upcoming memoir by a former federal judge, who "shares problems with the ultra-competitive and increasingly ideologically driven clerk-selection process, including his own focus on applicants from top-ranked law schools."

  42. "NYU law school dodges white man's lawsuit claiming law review discrimination," 05.30.24.
    Reuters reports, "A Manhattan federal judge on Thursday dismissed a race and sex discrimination lawsuit challenging the selection process for New York University School of Law's flagship law review, saying the anonymous white male plaintiff lacked standing to sue and that his complaint lacked facts to support his allegations."

  43. "Foley Sued for Revoking Job Over Israel-Palestine Comments," 05.29.24.
    "Foley & Lardner is being sued for scrapping a recent law school graduate's job offer over her comments about the Israel-Hamas war," reports Bloomberg Law.

    1. "Arab American lawyer sues firm that revoked job offer over Gaza comments," 05.31.24.
      The Washington Post has more.

  44. "Efforts To Improve Diversity On State High Courts Stagnating," 05.29.24.
    Law360 reports, "A lack of publicly available data is hampering efforts to make state Supreme Courts more representative of the populations they serve and diversity pushes appear to have stalled out, according to a recent report." (Subscription required.)

  45. "US law clerks in rare anonymous statement decry 'genocide' in Gaza," 05.29.24.
    "Twenty-five federal law clerks on Wednesday issued a public statement criticizing restrictions the judiciary has placed on their ability to speak out against the treatment of Palestinians by Israel during its war with Hamas in Gaza," according to Reuters.

    1. "Statement By Federal Law Clerks Regarding the War In Gaza," 05.29.24.
      Read the full statement at Balls & Strikes.

    2. "Anonymous Law Clerks Claim Forced Silence on Israel-Hamas War," 05.29.24.
      Bloomberg Law has more.

  46. "Gen Z Women Are Shunning BigLaw Partnership. Here's Why," 05.17.24.
    Law360 reports, "A recent survey of Generation Z lawyers at large law firms found that significantly more men than women say their ultimate career goal is to make partner, while far more women than men say their goal is to transition in-house." (Subscription required.)

  47. Mental Health/Well-Being

  48. "5 Day-to-Day Factors That Make Work a Grind: A Partner's Guide to Revitalizing Work," 06.05.24.
    Tracy LaLonde of Joychiever, writing at Law.com, provides tips for any manager of people on how to "champion an environment where your team members are actively engaged and deeply invested in the work they do."

  49. "Talking Mental Health: Life As A Lawyer With OCD," 06.03.24.
    Over at Law360, "Kelly Hughes at Ogletree discusses what she's learned in the 14 years since she was diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive disorder, recounting how the experience shaped her law practice, what the legal industry and general public get wrong about the disorder, and how law firms can better support employees who have OCD." (Subscription required.)

  50. "Mental Health in the Legal Industry: How to Mitigate Systemic Challenges and Boost Individual Resilience," 05.31.24.
    The LegalSpeak podcast at The American Lawyer discusses "how law firms and lawyers can mitigate systemic challenges and boost individual resilience to help create safer spaces for struggling individuals to get the help they need."

  51. "Legal Profession's Mental Health Woes Start to Take Root in Law School, Many Attorneys Say," 05.30.24.
    "The way law schools teach and the pressure-cooker environment many proudly embrace carry over into the workplace, legal observers say, contributing to the high levels of depression, anxiety, substance abuse and other mental health challenges that practicing attorneys experience," reports Corporate Counsel.

  52. "Disability claims involving toxic workplace allegations surge with return to office: injury lawyer," 05.29.24.
    Law Times speaks with a personal injury lawyer in Canada who says that most of his "long-term disability cases have a mental health component, and in most of those cases, the workplace environment either caused or contributed to mental illness."

  53. "Are Organizations All Talk and No Walk When It Comes to Mental Health Benefits?" 05.28.24.
    The Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) reports "a gap between the mental health resources companies offer and the level of comfort employees feel in using these benefits. Employees often face obstacles preventing them from using the available resources, such as feelings of uncertainty, difficulty getting time off, and an overall lack of awareness of what's offered."

  54. Technology

  55. "Ontario Bar Association Launches Novel AI Initiative to Boost Use in Everyday Practice," 06.06.24.
    Law.com features an interview with Canadian legal tech visionary Colin Lachance, who "will be the association's innovator-in-residence, leading a year-long program to get lawyers to better understand and implement artificial intelligence."

  56. "Does the Duty of Competence Extend to Developments in Technology?" 06.03.24.
    This Daily Report op-ed encourages lawyers to stay abreast of technological developments.

  57. "GPT-4 didn't ace the bar exam after all, MIT research suggests — it didn't even break the 70th percentile," 05.31.24.
    Live Science reports, "a new study has revealed that the much-hyped 90th-percentile figure was actually skewed toward repeat test-takers who had already failed the exam one or more times — a much lower-scoring group than those who generally take the test. The researcher published his findings March 30 in the journal Artificial Intelligence and Law."

  58. "The Real Issue Beyond the Stanford Study's Gaffes: Where Are Legal Tech's Benchmarks?" 05.29.24.
    Legaltech News reports on a recent study on generative AI hallucinations, noting that the study "received pushback from the industry for flawed methodology. But the real issue may lie within the lack of transparency from legal tech providers into how exactly their tools work."

May 24, 2024

    Top Stories

  1. "Law school applicants' socioeconomic hurdles measured by new metric," 05.20.24.
    "The Law School Admission Council (LSAC) is developing a new 'environmental context' metric pertaining to colleges and universities based on factors such as institutional student spending, graduation rates, and the percentage of undergraduates who received federal need-based Pell Grants," reports Reuters.

  2. "Are Law Firms Headed for an Era of Rapid Staff Turnover?" 05.22.24.
    "Lingering fallout from office attendance policies, as well as heightened demand for tech-savvy professionals, among other factors, may drive an uptick in support staff turnover in Big Law," says this editorial from The American Lawyer.

  3. Law Schools/Higher Education

  4. "The LSAT is about to get rid of logic games. Who will miss them? None of the above," 05.24.24.
    As we approach the last version of the LSAT with logic games, Karen Sloan at Reuters explores differing opinions on their removal.

  5. "'Ahead of the Curve': Are Campus Protests in the Rearview Mirror?" 05.23.24.
    In Law.com's Ahead of the Curve column, Christine Charnosky looks at the current status of campus protests.

  6. "Golden Gate law school needs a receiver to save it, say students and alumni," 05.22.24.
    Reuters reports, "Beleaguered Golden Gate University School of Law could be saved under the control of a court-appointed receiver, a group of students and alumni argue in a new court filing, opens new tab challenging the school's planned closure."

  7. "ASU Law, Diné College, Navajo Nation partner on first-ever tribally affiliated legal program," 05.20.24.
    A press release from Arizona State University announces, "In a historic move in the advancement of legal education, the Sandra Day O'Connor College of Law at Arizona State University has announced a groundbreaking set of partnerships with the Navajo Nation and Diné College. These collaborations establish the world's first tribally affiliated legal education by packaging four comprehensive law degrees uniquely tailored to meet the evolving legal needs of the Navajo Nation."

  8. "Journey toward fully online law schools inches forward after ABA Legal Ed council vote," 05.20.24.
    ABA Journal reports, "After receiving pushback from law school deans and with many logistical questions looming, the council of the ABA Section of Legal Education and Admissions to the Bar voted to continue examining what standards are necessary to start fully accrediting online-only law schools at its May 17 meeting in Chicago." (Subscription required.)

  9. "Judge on Clerk Hiring Boycotts: 'Students Should Be Seen as Individuals'," 05.17.24.
    Law.com shares the opinion of one judge, who says, "Students should be seen as individuals. Many have striven to achieve commendable records. They have every right to be judged by their accomplishments, not blacklisted based on what institution they may happen to attend."

  10. "Bar exam alternatives gain American Bar Association backing," 05.17.24.
    Reuters reports, "The American Bar Association on Friday endorsed alternative attorney licensing pathways that don't involve the bar exam, marking a major shift in ABA's stance on admission to practice law."

    1. "ABA Legal Ed council gives its blessing to alternative licensing," 05.17.24.
      ABA Journal also has this story, of course. (Subscription required.)

    2. "Legal Experts Weigh In on ABA's Support of Alternative Pathways to the Bar," 05.22.24.
      Law.com's Christine Charnosky reports "The ABA's position encourages states to reflect on their own licensing practices and consider whether it's possible to 'license attorneys in a manner that better serves both consumer protection and equity,'" and discusses the development with various experts.

  11. Law Firms

  12. "Law Firms Can Keep Lateral Partners With Support at Work, Home," 05.24.24.
    A Bloomberg Law op-ed provides tips for how law firms can proactively retain talent, including by providing communication, community, and flexibility.

  13. "Once 'Unheard Of,' $20M Partner Pay Becomes Standard to Meet at Davis Polk, Simpson Thacher," 05.22.24.
    The American Lawyer reports on recent developments in partner pay and how we reached this peak in the market.

    1. "Soaring Salaries Force Tough Decisions From Big Law Leaders," 05.23.24.
      Bloomberg Law's Big Law Business column explores the change, which represents a "drastic departure for most elite New York firms, which within a generation have gone from an egalitarian compensation approach to one that acknowledges some partners are more valuable than others."

  14. "'Mission Critical': Big Law Firms Prioritize Right C-Suite Talent," 05.20.24.
    The American Lawyer reports on recent C-suite moves and says, "law firms are now more concerned with getting the 'right' business professionals for the role."

  15. "UK Law Firms' Salary War Risks Their Ability to Expand, Compete," 05.20.24.
    "Major UK law firms battling one another over salaries are taking a risk that higher costs hamper expansion plans and impede their ability to compete with US rivals," according to Bloomberg Law.

    1. "Are We on the Cusp of a New NQ Pay War?" 05.20.24.
      Law.com International reports on the escalating salary scale in the U.K. and asks, "does this mean we're on the brink of a new pay war of the kind that tore through the industry in 2021?"

  16. Employment Market/Lawyer Development

  17. "The Power of Pro Bono: Why Junior Lawyers Should Embrace This Work Early and Often," 05.23.24.
    The Young Lawyer Editorial Board at The Legal Intelligencer asseerts, "More junior lawyers should embrace the nearly endless opportunities to engage in pro bono work, as they would benefit not only from providing legal counsel to those who desperately need it, but also by gaining valuable legal experience (often in a new area of the law) and expanding their professional networks."

  18. "Summer Associate 101: Focus on Knowledge of Self, Setting," 05.21.24.
    This op-ed by a lawyer, writing for Daily Business Review, offers advice for summer associates on how to use their experience to learn more about themselves and about the organization.

  19. "New ways to develop new lawyers," 05.21.24.
    In his latest blog post, Jordan Furlong looks at the impact that technology and other factors will have on the work that lawyers do and therefore the training that lawyers need, and he argues, "We need a new approach to lawyer development, one that's actually focused on developing a lawyer."

  20. "GC Searches Veer Away From Internal Hires, Upending In-House Promotion Tracks," 05.20.24.
    Corporate Counsel reports, "Roughly two-thirds of companies are going outside to fill general counsel openings, a dramatic increase from past practice driven by the reality that few legal departments have candidates in the pipeline with the broad range of skills the job now requires," including leadership and business skills.

  21. "The Great COVID Divide: Becoming an Attorney Before and After the Pandemic," 05.20.24.
    At Daily Business Review, a lawyer discusses the impact of the pandemic on lawyer development and argues, "It is critically important that young attorneys be given the room to provide the unique skills they offer as a result of being trained at a different time."

  22. "What We Should Have Learned from COVID: Communicate," 05.17.24.
    This op-ed at Law.com, written by a consultant, asserts, "The first lesson we should have learned from COVID: Leaders should communicate regularly to their firms in a more personal way, let their personality shine through, show some vulnerability and maybe reveal that they own a dog."

  23. "Nurturing the Next Generation: Professional Development in the Legal Sphere," 05.17.24.
    A lawyer writing for Daily Business Report shares tips on "various dimensions of professional growth tailored to the evolving needs of young lawyers, including succession planning, leadership training, mentorship, and mental health and wellbeing support."

  24. "Do Lawyers Ever Stop Working?" 05.20.24.
    Bloomberg Law shares data from their recent Workload & Hours Survey, which shows that the majority of lawyers (and especially female lawyers) work even on their days off and notes, "While…over half of attorneys admit to having a hard time disconnecting, this decrease may be a silver lining in return-to-office policies, which have reinstilled some boundaries between the office and home."

  25. "Path to Greatness: How Good Lawyers Become Great Leaders — the Power of Personal Responsibility," 05.17.24.
    This op-ed at the Legal Intelligencer outlines the qualities of effective leaders and provide tips for law firms and individual lawyers on developing leadership skills.

  26. "Law firm associate attrition continues to decline, NALP Foundation study shows," 05.17.24.
    Canadian Lawyer reports on the NALP Foundation's recent report on associate attrition.

  27. "Young Lawyers (Gen Z) Are Getting Tons of New Business — the Old-Fashioned Way," 05.17.24.
    A business development consultant, writing for The Legal Intelligencer, interviews some Gen Z lawyers on how they are building their books of business. Spoiler alert: "there are no shortcuts."

  28. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

  29. "ABA Faces Discrimination Complaint Over Student Hiring Programs," 05.21.24.
    "A conservative group in Wisconsin filed complaints against the American Bar Association, a federal judge, and three law schools over alleged bias in hiring programs for students," reports Bloomberg Law.

  30. "Lawyer Suing King & Spalding Asks Law Firm to Apologize for Diversity Program Exclusion," 05.17.24.
    Daily Report provides details on the discrimination lawsuit against King & Spalding.

  31. "How systemizing law firm work allocation enhances diversity efforts and overcomes affinity bias," 05.16.24.
    At Canadian Lawyer, two law firms discuss their work allocation systems, "where work is dealt to associates systematically and based on objective criteria," in order to distribute and manage work more fairly and effectively.

  32. Mental Health/Well-Being

  33. "The Partners Are Not All Right: Why Senior Lawyers Need Mental Health Support," 05.24.24.
    This op-ed at Law.com International reminds us that "At bottom, stress comes with the territory in the practice of law, especially when high stakes for clients means high demands on the lawyers. For that reason, it is even more important for partners to do more to educate and remind themselves to seek help when necessary, and firms can and must do more to, with creativity and resolve, to make mental health a greater priority."

  34. "Swelling Workloads Taking Toll on In-House Lawyers' Mental Health," 05.21.24.
    Corporate Counsel reports, "In-house lawyers generally like their jobs but are nonetheless anxious, exhausted and stressed. according to Law.com and ALM Intelligence's 2024 Mental Health Survey. It found that crushing workloads, understaffed teams and dysfunctional company culture are largely to blame."

  35. Technology

  36. "What Does Big Law Stand to Gain From Slow AI Adoption?" 05.23.24.
    "As Big Law's relationship with generative artificial intelligence hits a yellow light at the intersection of caution and optimism, some in the legal tech community question how much of the caution is motivated by commitment to a profitability model dependent on high leverage and hourly billing," according to the American Lawyer.

  37. "US's First State AI Bias Law Lets Job Seekers Fight Rejections," 05.22.24.
    Bloomberg Law outlines a new law set to take effect in Colorado, which it calls "the most comprehensive law to date governing US employers' use of automated decision-making tools such as resume and job candidate screening software."

  38. "Lawyers with AI Skills Can Enjoy 49% Wage Premium, Research Shows," 05.22.24.
    The American Lawyer reports on new research from PwC that shows, "job vacancies for lawyers that require AI skills can carry a 49% wage premium in the U.S., while ones in the U.K. can secure a 27% wage premium."

  39. "Experts Caution Law Schools to Be Wary of ChatGPT, Other AIs," 05.20.24.
    Government Technology features an interview with a law professor who shares his thoughts on the use of artificial intelligence.

  40. "Navigating the AI revolution: LegalTech Summit in Toronto explores the future of law," 05.16.24.
    "The legal profession is changing fast. But how exactly it will look in the future is far from certain," says Canadian Lawyer, in this story about their upcoming tech summit.

May 17, 2024

    Top Stories

  1. "Biggest law school scholarships disproportionately go to white students, ABA finds," 05.13.24.
    Reuters reports, "White law students are more likely to land full scholarships and less likely to receive scholarships covering less than half their tuition compared with their non-white classmates, according to new data from the American Bar Association."

  2. "Big Law Recruiting Rush Puts More Pressure on Diverse Students," 05.13.24.
    Bloomberg Law takes a deep dive into earlier recruiting practices and notes that they are "particularly bad news for students who are the first in their families to attend law school, and who may be less prepared for what to expect in law school early on."

  3. Law Schools/Higher Education

  4. "Cornell Law School sets more generous standard for public interest loan help," 05.15.24.
    Reuters reports, "Cornell Law School in June will begin providing full federal loan repayments for its graduates in public interest jobs earning up to $120,000 annually — a $40,000 increase from the current $80,000 salary cap."

  5. "California poised to reject national bar exam in an effort to cut costs," 05.14.24.
    "The State Bar of California is looking to develop its own bar exam, parting ways with the National Conference of Bar Examiners and rejecting its overhauled licensing test set to debut in July 2026," according to Reuters.

    1. "California shelves plan to create its own bar exam," 05.16.24.
      And this follow-up story from Reuters says the plan is on hold after "Deans of 13 California-accredited law schools had asked the state bar last month to delay adoption of the plan, calling the 10-month timeline 'hasty, risky, and poorly planned.'"

  6. "Interest rates on federal student loans may increase by 1 percentage point: 'A fairly big jump,' expert says," 05.08.24.
    CNBC reports, "federal student loan rates may increase in the 2024-2025 academic year, according to an estimate by higher education expert Mark Kantrowitz. The rate could go up by 1 percentage point."

    1. "One-point increase in student loan rates could cost new law school graduates tens of thousands of dollars in added debt," 05.09.24.
      The Excess of Democracy blog has more.

  7. Law Firms

  8. "Lateral Partner Integration Requires Business Development Plan," 05.17.24.
    Legal experts writing for Bloomberg Law provide tips on lateral partner integration, advising, "A 12-month marketing and business development plan should be created as a roadmap for integrating new lateral hires and partnering them with a business development liaison."

  9. "Clients Have All the Leverage in Law Firm Succession Planning," 05.17.24.
    This op-ed at Bloomberg Law explores the impact of clients on partner succession, noting, "If the retiring partner devotes little time and effort to socializing a client to successors, the client will assume the firm doesn't care about retaining the relationship."

  10. "Paul Weiss Chair Brad Karp Weighs In on How to Poach-Proof Your Firm," 05.16.24.
    The chair of Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison discusses steps his firm has taken to foster a sense of connectivity and make partners want to stay at the firm, in The American Lawyer.

  11. "Abolish your partners' billable-hour requirements," 05.16.24.
    Jordan Furlong's latest blog post urges law firms, "Abolish any and all billable-hour requirements for your equity partners. Reorder the priorities that you want partners to really concentrate on and incentivize partner behaviours that will accomplish those priorities. Free up thousands of hours of work to be distributed to the associates who desperately need them."

  12. "Early Big Law Recruiting Is Ruining the First Year of Law School," 05.16.24.
    This Bloomberg Law op-ed, written by William Treanor and Amy Mattock of Georgetown Law, argues, "The push by firms to interview 1L students for 2L summer positions has heightened the stress on students as they adapt to the high pressure of their first year of law school. This can't be where law firms want our students' priorities to lie."

  13. "Citi Results Indicate Law Firm Industry Rebound in 2024," 05.13.24.
    The American Lawyer reports, "Citi's Q1 Flash Survey Report indicates a strong start and a positive year ahead."

  14. "Law's Up And Coming Job Title? Coach," 05.10.24.
    Law360 reports, "A title that once belonged to the athletic field is now increasingly common in the legal industry, with law firms expanding the ways in which they use coaches and building out their in-house coaching departments." (Subscription required.)

  15. Employment Market/Return to Office

  16. "As Debt Rises, New Grads More Likely To Pick Law Firm Jobs," 05.09.24.
    Law360 reports, "More than half of recent law school graduates are choosing jobs at law firms, an uptick from recent years, and some students and administrators say there's a simple reason: mounting student loan debt." (Subscription required.)

  17. "BC's Bill 21 aids access to justice, sacrifices independence of legal profession, say lawyers," 05.06.24.
    Canadian Lawyer reports on reactions to the Legal Professions Act, which makes changes to the lawyer regulatory body in the province.

    1. "Federation of Law Societies raises concerns over BC's Legal Professions Act," 05.12.24.
      The Federation of Law Societies of Canada "echoed the Law Society of British Columbia's concerns that the legislation does not adequately protect the independence of the legal professions and their regulation, which are crucial to upholding democratic principles," according to Canadian Lawyer.

  18. "You're Back from Your Leadership Development Program. Now What?" 05.10.24.
    Harvard Business Review has tips on how to sustain momentum and achieve results after your leadership development program.

  19. Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging

  20. "Women No Longer Face Discrimination for Jobs — If They're White," 05.11.24.
    Vivia Chen, on her blog, reports on "recent research by economists at the University of California at Berkeley and the University of Chicago who analyzed how the names of job applicants affected their chances of getting hired."

  21. "King & Spalding Sued Over Diverse Law Student Hiring Program," 05.10.24.
    "King & Spalding is the latest major law firm to face legal challenges to diversity hiring programs," according to Bloomberg Law.

  22. Mental Health/Well-Being

  23. "'Old School' Expectations Plague Young Lawyer Mental Health — But Not All Predecessors Are Sympathetic," 05.17.24.
    The American Lawyer reports on their recent mental health survey which shows "Sense of failure, lost motivation, hopelessness and exhaustion are all down slightly, but the proportion of lawyers and legal professionals who hate their jobs, struggle concentrating and feel detached went up. The negative impact of billable hours fell slightly, but the negative impact of understaffed teams went up," especially among younger generations, while older lawyers display little sympathy.

    1. "Mental Health by the Numbers: The 2024 Survey Infographic," 05.17.24.
      You can see the infographic on the Am Law research here.

  24. "A BigLaw suicide survivor's prescription for the legal profession's mental health crisis," 05.16.24.
    A lawyer shares his experience with depression and an attempted suicide in ABA Journal, along with his thoughts on what the profession needs to make progress — including more education during and after law school. (Subscription required.)

  25. "Beth Beattie, co-editor of a book on mental health in the legal profession, on breaking new ground," 05.14.24.
    Canadian Lawyer's podcast features an interview with a the author of a new book on mental health called The Right Not to Remain Silent: The Truth About Mental Health in The Legal Profession.

  26. "18-Hour Days — Let's Stop Ignoring Human Biology," 05.14.24.
    This op-ed at Law.com International asks, "why do so many lawyers push themselves up to and beyond their physical and psychological limits, and why don't they speak up when they're struggling?"

  27. "'A Leap of Faith': Some In-House Leaders Join Fight to Fix Big Law's Mental Health Crisis," 05.13.24.
    "Not all in-house lawyers watching the recent reckoning over the mental health of law firm lawyers have been passive observers. Some believe they must be part of the solution," according to Corporate Counsel.

  28. "'Two Separate Lives': Lawyers Share Personal Stories of Addiction, Recovery," 05.10.24.
    The Legal Intelligencer reports, "Participants in a panel hosted by Recovery Centers of America want a world in which employees are comfortable telling their supervisors they need help."

  29. Technology

  30. "Law Firms' AI Nightmare Is Fewer Billed Hours and Lower Profits," 05.16.24.
    The Big Law Business column at Bloomberg Law explores new research that asks, "How much time could AI cannibalize from a law firm?"

  31. "Big Law's AI Talent War Aims to Influence Software Development," 05.14.24.
    The American Lawyer reports, "In the AI edition of the classic 'build versus buy' dilemma, some marquee firms have opted to leverage their position as the largest buyers of legal tech to influence vendor development of AI-powered services to suit their needs."

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